Sagbama Journal Of Science & Technical Education <p><strong>Sagbama Journal of Science &amp; Technical Education (SAJOSTE)</strong>, <strong>ISSN</strong>: (Online: 2955-0947, Print: 2955-0939) a peer-reviewed, open access, bi-monthly journal, publishing issues and trends in science and technical education. The scope of the journal includes research reports, empirical work, investigations, case studies conducted in the field of science and technical education integrating, agricultural education, business education, home economics, fine &amp; applied arts, mechanical, electrical, wood-work, civil and building education, and other related disciplines.</p> en-US Sagbama Journal Of Science & Technical Education 2955-0939 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WATER PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND BENTHIC MACRO INVERTEBRATES OF THE MIDDLE REACHES OF ORASHI RIVER, NIGER DELTA <p>Orashi River is one of the major rivers that drain the River Niger through the Niger Delta into the Atlantic Ocean. The relationship between the physio-chemical properties of the river water and benthic macro invertebrates were studied between October 2017 and September 2018. Monthly samples of the river surface water and macro invertebrates were collected at five sampling stations using standard methods. Means and standard deviation of the water parameters were determined and correlated with the macro benthos to determine their relationship.Oligochaeta was represented by 9 species; Crustacea had 3 species while 2 species were identified under Insecta. Temperature (0C) ranged between 27 0C and 29.40C. Conductivity fluctuated between 18 – 48.4μS/cm and pH was from 6.10 – 7.96. Salinity and turbidity ranged between and 0 – 0.02 and 8.50 – 107.7 NTU respectively. Total dissolved Solids (TDS) was from10 – 25.18 mg/L, Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 6.01 – 7.88 mg/l, Chloride 1.05 – 6.42mg/l, total alkalinity 3 – 9 mg/l and total hardness 2.29 – 9.93 mg/l. Nitrate, sulphate, Chromium, Iron and Zinc were between 0.05 – 0.95 mg/l, 2.10 – 10.31 mg/l, 0.003 – 0.08 mg/l, 1.542-4.966mg/l and 0.003-0.338 respectively. Correlation between macro benthos was positive with sulphate and DO but negative with Zinc, turbidity and BOD.There is need for effective monitoring of the river system to be able to detect environmental changes that could be corrected for a sustainable ecosystem.&nbsp;</p> Sabina Alatari Ngodigha Hanson Sylvanus Uyi Nanee Suanu Deekae Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 1 1 9 ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES OF CARICAPAPAYA (PAWPAW) LEAF EXTRACT ON SOME PATHOGENIC BACTERIA OF PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE <p>This study investigated the antibacterial activity of Carica papaya leaf extracts against pathogenic bacteria, aiming to explore the potential of natural remedies in combating bacterial infections. The rising global concern of antibiotic resistance necessitates the exploration of alternative therapeutic options. Carica papaya leaves, known for their traditional medicinal use contain bioactive compounds with potential antimicrobial properties. The study employed in vitro assays to assess the antibacterial effects of Carica papaya leaf extracts against a range of pathogenic bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative. The assays revealed substantial<br>zones of inhibition, indicating the ability of the extracts to impede bacterial growth. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values further underscored the potency of the extracts. These findings align with earlier studies identifying alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds in Carica papaya leaves with antibacterial attributes. However, challenges such as variability in bioactive compound composition and lack of in vivo data warrant further research. Mechanistic studies, clinical trials, formulation development, and safety assessments are recommended to advance the understanding and potential application of Carica papaya leaf extracts as an alternative antibacterial treatment. Integrating traditional knowledge with modern scientific methodologies holds the promise of addressing the pressing issue of antibiotic resistance.</p> Esther Benafagha Enaregha Ayibadinipre Jennis Gbeghebo Ikah Goodluck Ghandi Dorathy Ononakpo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 10 16 MENTAL HEALTH STATUS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF AUTOMOBILE TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITIES IN SOUTH-SOUTH, NIGERIA <p>The study sought to determine the effect of multiple stress management intervention on mental health status and academic performance of university Automobile Technology Education students in South-South, Nigeria. 2 purposes with corresponding research questions were generated, answered and tested respectively. The study employed quasi-experimental design. The population for the study was 97 first year Automobile students in South-South, Nigeria. The instruments used for data collection were validated by 3 experts and has overall reliability coefficients of 0.77. Data analysis was carried out using mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed significant effect of the intervention on student’s health status and improved academic performance. It was therefore recommended among others that multiple stress management intervention should be integrated in Automobile technology education and other engineering/technology based programmes to foster effective stress management practices among students. Also, there is the need for stress management training for all levels of Automobile students with involvement of capability within the university.</p> JACOB PORIPO PhD Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 17 24 GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMICS OF PRODUCTION OF WEANER PIGS FED GRADED LEVELS OF PLANTAIN PEEL MEAL SUPPLEMENTED WITH CORN PAP CHAFF <p>This research was carried out to investigate the effect of graded levels of plantain peel meal supplemented with corn pap chaff on the growth performance and economics of production of weaner pigs. Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) is a fruit crop which produces about 30-40% peels in the form of agricultural by-products (wastes). These peels (ripe and unripe) have been harnessed as animal feed or feed ingredients.Twenty-four (24) weaner pigs of either sex of the large white hybrids were procured froma reputable farmin Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. The weaner pigs which weighed 4-5kg initial body live weight were distributed into four (4) treatments of six (6) pigs per treatment and replicated three times with two (2) weaner pigs per replicate in a completely randomized design (CRD). The plantain peel meal was served at 45kg, 30kg, 15kg and 0kg in T1(Control), T2, T3 and T4 respectively.Corn pap chaff was served to supplement<br>the pig’s ration.Proper farm management practices and routine medications and vaccinations were strictly observed. Cool water and feed were supplied ad libitum. The experiment lasted for eighty-four (84) days. All data was subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Under growth performance indices, the parameters measured were the initial weight, final weightand feed intake. The weight gain, feed conversion ratio and mortality were calculated. Results on performance indicate that T2 and T3 were significantly (P&lt;0.05) better in final live weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio; while feed intake increased linearly from T3-T4. The economics of production shows that the cost of production for all the treatment groups were similar; as there were no significant (P&gt;0.05) differences in the total cost of production. It was therefore concluded that weaner pigs can be fed between 15% and 30% graded levels of plantain peel meal (PPM) supplemented with corn chaff without causing any deleterious effects on the performance and economics of production.&nbsp;</p> P.B. Omu E.S Akpolu E.D, Lucky I.C. Amaechi T.O Beketin J.B Yegba Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 25 35 EVALUATION OF SOIL NUTRIENT AND FERTILIZATION PLAN OF CASSAVA FARM, NAOC (NIGERIANAGIP OIL COMPANY), OMOKU, RIVER STATE. <p>The impact of oil exploration on soil fertility in Nigeria is hindering the efforts toward soil improvement. Crude oil induced pollution on soil environment is an increasing trend into the environment. There is the need to evaluate soil nutrient and fertilization plan for the cassava farm of NAOC (Nigerian AgipOil Company)in omoku, River State,Nigeria. Three cassava farms, largely cultivated was purposely chosen. Soil samples were taken from 0-30 cm depth at 12 meters intervals along transverses cut at 120 m apart. The samples were air-dried at room temperature, crushed and made to pass 2 mm sieve. Soil pH, organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (P), Exchange potassium (K), electric conductivity (EC) and Acidity (H + AI) were measured.The result obtained from soil in farm 1, 2 and 3 shows that the soil type is loamy (49%) silt (58%) and sandy (53%) respectively. soil from farm 1, has high OM (3.020) and total nitrogen (0.151%), low available P (11.00ppm) and K (70.00ppm), normal in EC (0.011 Ms/cm/), with a pH (6.4) partly salty and acidic. Farm 2 recorded low OM (1.590), TN (0.080%), P (12.00ppm) and K (90.00ppm) and normal EC (0.086 Ms/cm/), and a pH (6.2) partly salty and acidic. Soil from farm 3, was almost similar with farm 1, except having pH (6.600) neutral. It recorded high OM (3.090), high TN (0.155%), low P (10.00ppm), low K (66.00ppm) and normal EC (0.065 Ms/cm/). The fertilization status and plan for a standard application of NPK at 15:15:15 at the rate of 333kg/ha, at about 8 WAP, in a ring of about 10cm away from the cassava plant 6 cm deep required a fertilizer plan of 111kg of SSP/83kg MOP, 65kg of SSP/50kg MOP and 111kg of SSP/50kg MOP to meet up N and K recommended plan to farmer in the studyarea for farm 1, 2 and 3 respectively.&nbsp;</p> E. Moroyei G. Roland PhD Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 1 36 44 CERAMICS AS A CONTEMPORARY ART IN BAYELSA STATE: THE BENEFITS, CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS <p>In Nigeria, receiving a formal education in ceramics is increasingly necessary to pursue a career in the medium. Despite the consequences caused by internationalization and cross-cultural infiltration, there is a bright future for the art given the abundance of resources accessible for ceramic techniques in the nation with a seething population of over 140 million. Porcelain resources still need to be used despite their promise as raw materials, and the ceramic art program still needs to turn forth graduates who can work effectively in the fiercely competitive ceramics market economy. The advantages, difficulties, and future potential of the ceramics<br>sector in Bayelsa State were the main subjects of this investigation. It discussed the study's conclusions using the analytical approach and secondary data gathering procedures. It turned out that Bayelsa State's ceramics sector may offer a lot of chances for youth to become involved and seek careers in this profitable industry. Furthermore, the availability of mineral resources provides excellent opportunities for the state's industry to grow and flourish.</p> OLOTU EGEGUTI Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 1 45 53 HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATION IN TILAPIA (TILAPIA ZILLI) FROM MINI-NDAI CREEK, RUMUOLUMENI, PORT HARCOURT. <p>Heavymetals are naturally occurring elements but industrial activities and other anthropogenic activities can also release them into our environment to levels causing pollution. Heavy metals in high concentration in the aquatic organisms may pose a health risk when these organisms are consumed. The aim of the study was to evaluate the state of heavy metal contamination of the Mini-Ndai creek. Heavy metal concentrations in Tilapia zilli from Mini-Ndai Creek, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer (AAS). Samples were collected in January, March and May. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation represented in bar graph. The heavy metals analyzed are Ni, Cd and Mercury. The resulted indicated high concentrations of Ni (3.94μg/g) and low concentrations of Hg (0.02μg/g). The trend of heavy metals concentration can be represented as Ni&gt;Cd&gt;Hg,<br>with their concentrations as (3.94&gt;0.17&gt;0.02)μg/g. Hg was within the safe limits while Ni and Cd were seen to be above the safe limits for human consumption. It is recommended that further studies of heavy metals should be carried out to monitor the physicochemical parameters and the heavy metal content of the creek.</p> Rhoda Diepreye Bruce-Agbogidi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 54 58 ASSESSMENT OF TEACHERS COMPETENCY IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE WORK FOR STUDENTS SELF-RELIANCE IN TECHNICAL COLLEGES IN BAYELSA STATE. <p>The study assessed teachers competency in Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work for students’ self-reliance in technical&nbsp; colleges in Bayelsa state. Three research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was 37 comprising of 31 Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work tech-3 students and 6 Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work teachers from two technical colleges in Bayelsa state. There was no sampling size due to the small population. The instrument for the data collection was a self-structured questionnaire designed after the pattern of 4point rating scale.<br>The instrument was validated by three experts: one expert from the Department of vocational and technology education, Rivers State University and two of the teachers in two different technical colleges in Bayelsa State. The reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha. Research questions were answered with mean and standard deviation. The study find out that teachers are very competent in domestic installation and students as well and this will result to self-reliance of the students. The study also find out that teachers are competent in rewinding of electric machines. The finding revealed that teachers are incompetent in electric was recommended among others that Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work teachers should be encouraged to go for training especially in their areas of incompetency through, in-service and sandwich programmes.. Competent teachers of Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work should employed by the government to teach in technical colleges of States.&nbsp;</p> OKARDI CHARITY BUBELEBARA Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 59 69 EFFECT OF AGE ON THE LEVEL OF STRESS EXPERIENCED AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF AUTOMOBILE TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS EXPOSED TO MULTIPLE STRESS MANAGEMENT INTERVENTIONS IN UNIVERSITIES IN SOUTHERN NIGERIA <p>The study sought to determine the effect of age on the level of stress experienced and academic performance of automobile technology students exposed to multiple stress management interventions in universities in Southern Nigeria. 1 purposes with corresponding research questions and 1 hypothesis were generated, answered and tested respectively. The study employed quasi-experimental design. The population for the study was 97 first year Automobile students. The instruments used for data collection were validated by 3 experts and has overall reliability coefficients of 0.77. Data analysis was carried out using mean and standard deviation. MANCOVA was used to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed significant effect of the intervention on student’s health status and improved academic performance. It was therefore recommended among others that multiple stress management<br>intervention should be integrated in Automobile technology education and other engineering/technology based programmes to foster effective stress management practices among students. Also, there is the need for stress management training for all levels of<br>Automobile students with involvement of capability within the university.</p> JACOB PORIPO PhD Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 70 79 ASSESSMENT OF NON-TECHNICAL SKILLS REQUIRED BY TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION GRADUATES FOR EMPLOYMENT IN BAYELSA STATE. <p>The study centered on assessment of non-technical skills required by technology education graduates for employment in Bayelsa State. The study made use of descriptive survey research design. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The population for the study comprised 31 respondents consisting of directors, managers, principal of various organisations. A twenty-one (21) items questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The instrument was validated by an expert from the Department of vocational and technology education, Rivers State University and a Director from Isaac Jasper Boro College of Education Bayelsa State. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha and the reliability index stood at 0.98, 0.95 and 0.96. The data collected were analysed using mean statistic and standard deviation. The study revealed that employers placed great importance on non-technical skill such as communication skill, problem solving skill and team work skills. Base on the findings, the study recommends that Non-technical skill should be integrated into the curriculum of technology education programmes. Lecturer of technology education should be exposed to training and workshop on the relevance arrears of non-technical skills. Graduates of technology education should also help by attending seminars and workshops that will expose them to non-technical skills.</p> OKARDI CHARITY BUBELEBARA Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 80 92 HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATION IN MULLET (MUGIL CEPHALUS) FROM MININDAI CREEK, RUMUOLUMENI, PORT HARCOURT. <p>Heavy metals are elements that occur naturally but are also released into the environment from industries, and other anthropogenic activities to levels that can cause pollution. High concentrations of heavy metals in the aquatic organisms may pose a health risk to consumers of these organisms. The aim of this study was to ascertain the levels of heavy metals in Mullet fish (Mugilcephalus)in Mini-Ndai creek, Rumuolumeni. Heavy metals were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer (AAS). Samples were collected in January, March and May. Data were analysed using mean and standard deviation represented in bar graph. The heavy metals analysed are Ni, Fe and Cr. The results indicated high concentrations of Fe and Ni(8.18μg/g and 1.36μg/g) respectively with low concentrations of Cr (0.03μg/g). The trend of heavy metals concentration can be represented as Fe&gt;Ni&gt;Cr. Fe and Cr was within the safe limits while Ni was seen to be above the safe limits for human consumption. It is recommended that further studies of heavy metals should be carried out to determine the physicochemical parameters and the heavy metal content of the creek.</p> Rhoda Diepreye Bruce-Agbogidi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 2 1 93 97