Submitting an article.
Publication Ethics
SAJOSTE requires authors to adhere to the ethical standards required of researchers and scientific writing. Specically, the journal requires all authors to adhere to the ethical standards as prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM).
Inclusions of a person who do not meet authorship requirement as specified by the editorial policy or the exclusion of a person who meets the requirement is a violation of ethical requirements of the journal.
Preparing Your Manuscript
Before submission, ensure that the manuscript falls within the scope of the journal. See Aims & Scope on the journal website.
All submissions must be written in good English. Poorly written submissions will be rejected at the point of submission. Manuscripts should be prepared in single-line spacing of not more than 20 pages.
Headings, subheadings, sections and subsections should not be numbered. Major headings should be indicated in bold and block text (e.g INTRODUCTION). Subheadings should be indicated in normal text and title case. The use of footnotes is not accepted. The International System of Units (ISI) and other accepted conventions and nomenclature should be followed.
The title phrase should be brief.
List authors’ full names (First-name, middle-name, and last-name). Academic titles such as Prof., Dr., Assoc. Prof. etc should not be included. Clearly state the affliations of all authors (Department, Faculty, institution and Country). Provide e-mails and phone numbers for each author.
The abstract should not be more than 500 words. The keywords should not be more than ten (10).
Standard abbreviations should be used all through the manuscript. The use of non-standard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be well-defined in the text following their first use. An abbreviations section should be provided in the case of extensive use.
The Introduction
The statement of the problem in addition to the background of the study should be clearly and concisely stated.
Materials and methods
Materials and methods should be clearly presented to allow the reproduction of the experiments.
Results and discussion
Results and discussion maybe combined into a single section or presented separately, where necessary.
Tables and Figures
Table use should be kept to a minimum. Tables must have a short descriptive title positioned at the top-left corner of the table. Tables should be presented in modied text organized in Microsoft Word or Excel spreadsheet and not as pictures. The unit of measurement used in a table should be stated. Tables should be numbered consecutively. Figures/Graphics should be prepared in GIF, TIFF, JPEG or PowerPoint. Figures/Graphics must have a short descriptive caption placed immediately at the bottom-left of the Figure. Tables and Figures should be appropriately cited in the manuscript.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
Authors should disclose all financial/relevant interests that may have influenced the study.
Acknowledgment of people, funds, etc should be brief.
References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. DOIs links to referenced
articles should be stated wherever available. Names of journals should be presented in full and
not abbreviated.
Ajagbe, K.D. (1999). The Internet in Lifelong Learning: liberation or alienation? International
Journal of Lifelong Education 7(3) 115- 119
Baka, S.M (1994). Uncle Sam online: government information on the internet. Communication
Education 43:151-158.
Acceptance Certificate
Authors are issued an Acceptance Certicate for manuscripts that have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor.
Payment of Manuscript Handling Fee
Once a manuscript has been accepted, the corresponding author may be invoiced to make the necessary payment Article Processing Charges. Kindly note that only TeTfund sponsored Issues are free. The journal’s management and publishing system, is the only payment channel (except otherwise stated) remains the only enabled for manuscripts that have been accepted for publication. Therefore, payment cannot be made except the manuscript is accepted for publication.
Prior to publication, a galley proof is sent to the corresponding author. Authors are advised to read
the proof and correct minor typographical or grammatical errors. Authors should promptly return
proofs to the editorial office.
Once proofs are received at the editorial ofce, the manuscripts are usually included in the next issue of the journal. The article will thereafter be published on the journal’s website
Publication Notification
After the article is made available on the journal’s website, a publication notice is sent to the corresponding author with links to the issue and article.
Submitting an article.